Whoever you are, we welcome you. However you learn, we will embrace you. Whatever you have to share, we are listening. Our differences are power. Our challenges are opportunity.
We see the human in people first. This is our common ground. We all are human with our own strengths and our own challenges. And we invite you to come as you are.
We are human-centric and recognize, appreciate, and celebrate differences not hierarchy. We exist to see the unseen and meet the unmet. This is how we practice and thrive in Community.
We’re creating spaces that adapt and exceed the needs of individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) rather than expecting them to adapt to the world.
The vision of Peacehaven is that of abundant resources for Learning, Growth, and Connectivity. It is how we define Community. This abundance is for people of all abilities. We do not own it and are called to give it away.
How do we support the I/DD Community to be stronger; to express AND appreciate their full selves? We do so by fostering social connections that uncover opportunities to be independent, develop a sense of agency, and live into their worth in the world.
This list of I/DD Resources was assembled to connect individuals and families with the broader community of support and empowerment.


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